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Summary and Review of an article written by Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. "Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perception of personality." Research in brief.

"Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perception of personality. Research in brief."

    The reason why this article was chosen by me is simply because it is good to know the influencers of social media, how the public perceives the personality.  This research consolidates our formal knowledge on the issue and even broaden them by the findings of the researchers.

   The scientists are taking a closer look at SMI, it is characterized as a new type of independent third party endorser who shape audience attitudes through blogs, tweets, and use of other social media. The authors say that it is little known about audience perceptions of the SMI. They underline two main perceptions of SMI (1) SMI is competing, possibly hostile voices; (2) recognized the possibilities of forging alliances with SMI to promote a brand or an organization.
    The scientists use term ‘ SMI capital’ and draw a correlation with CEO capital in order, as I believe, the emphasize the increasing value of SMI.
    In order not to sound unsustained the authors are presenting an experiment based on the Q- sort method to prove the impact of SMI on individuals. Methods and Results are also expressed in the article. The results of the experiment let the researchers to ‘ construct a prototype of SMI. “SMI- verbal, smart, ambitious, and poised.” The research also allowed the scientist to compare SMI and CEO prototypes, they have many similarities, nevertheless “ CEO is viewed as critical, sceptical and difficult to impress’ on the contrary “ SMI Is more likely to be sought out for advice and reassurance and more likely to give advice.

    To wrap up, the article is brief and informative, the argument is supporting the main assumptions. However, I believe there are following questions popping up: ‘ How strong is the SMI influence the individuals?’, ‘ to what extent?’ ‘ what are the actual numbers of people who would be influenced by the smi.” I believe numbers will vary depending on the quality of the audience, location, literacy, and other essential factors.
    If we look from another point of view, the world is rapidly changing, the importance of social media is progressively growing thus it is a must to keep your hand on the pulse, which means to know all the possible sources that might influence your auditory.
   As for me, the article doesn’t fall into the category of the world changing but good enough as scientific proof of common sense.

         Ekaterina P.

References: Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90–92. 


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